Reproduction from the Carlton Advertiser April 08 1882, courtesy S.L.V.

Note: Parts of the microfiche were very difficult to read, especially the money amounts.

1882 Carlton AGM held at the Clyde Hotel, Elgin Street Carlton, April 04.

The annual meeting of the Carlton Football Club was held on Tuesday evening at the Clyde Hotel, Elgin street.
The President Mr. Robert Robertson occupied the chair, and about 100 members were present. The chairman, before opening business, said that he was pleased to see such a good number of members. Footballing meant hard work, and those who wished to attain eminence in the game, had to undergo hard training. He trusted that every member of the First Twenty would be in good training, and had no doubt of the continued success of the club.

The secretary then read the Annual Report and Balance Sheet for 1881, as follows:-
Gentlemen, – The committee beg to submit the usual financial statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the past Season, and to present the Annual Report for the same period.
The Committee has much pleasure in stating that the Balance Sheet shows a credit balance of £25 7s 11d
as against £8 5s 3d for the previous Season. Taking in to account of heavy expenditure necessarily incurred in playing the various upcountry matches, in entertaining visitors, in carrying out the Annual Sports, and other affairs which bring no revenue to the Club, the state of the finances may be deemed highly satisfactory.

The 'Adelaide Trip' which took place last June, under the management of Mr. John Donovan, was a most pronounced success, not only as regards the play of our men, but also socially, and the kindly feelings then engendered will, no doubt tend greatly stengthen the bonds of good fellowship between the footballers of the two colonies. Our men had a splendid reception, and were one and all delighted with the trip. Mr. Diamond, who was most untiring in his efforts to make the visit a pleasant one, was in some little return for his kindness, presented with a service of plate by the Club.
Four matches were played during the visit, all being won by the Club, the result being Carlton goals kicked 25 and goals lost 3. The sum of £100, from the proceeds of these matches, was distributed amongst the Adelaide charities.


Two upcountry matches were played by the First Twenty, the first at Benalla, against 23 of the North Eastern District, with the result, Carlton, 10 goals to 1. The second was played at Maryborough – won by Carlton 4 goals to 3. The Second Twenty visited Colac, the result being a draw. These trips were thoroughly enjoyed by the players who participated in them, but, in the interests of the Club, it is hoped that, for the future, more of the prominent playing members will endeavour to take part in these up-country matches, as this is the only chance the public at a distance have of judging of the calibre of such teams as those of Carlton.

The doings of the First Twenty during the Season have been quite first-class, and this notwithstanding the fact that all their heavy matches were played so closely together. When such opponents such as Hotham, South Melbourne, Melbourne, and Geelong, are met with on four consecutive Saturdays, and the wonder is that Carlton did so well; and it speaks volumes for the pluck and stamina of the team in going through such an ordeal with so little breathing space. Geelong was the only Club not defeated by Carlton: but the South Melbourne, which assumed a fore-most position during the Season, came off second best at the hands of our champions, the first match resulting in a draw, and the second being a win for Carlton with 3 goals to 2. The total result for the Season is Played 24, Won 18, Lost 3 Drawn 3. Goals won 107, Goals lost 33. With a record like the above, the Committee rest satisfied that the Members of the Club will feel gratified at the doings of their First Twenty.

The Second Twenty are to be highly complimented for their distinguished performances during the Season, they having played right through without a defeat. This was in great part owing to their good discipline and to that espirit de corps without which no body of men can be successful. To commemorate their success, the photographs of the team have been framed.

Instead of going abroad for players as the Season advances, the Committee would suggest that any vacancies occurring in the First Twenty, should be filled from the ranks of the Second Twenty.

No 'Charity Match' was played this Season, but, in lieu thereof, five percent. of the net proceeds of all gate moneys, amounting to £17 12s 3d, was handed to the Victorian Football Association for distribution among the various charitable insititutions. This amount place a life governorship of one of our local charities at the disposal of the Club, and the committee has unanimously agreed to nominate Mr. George Robertson, Captain of the First Twenty, for the position.

In place of the previous arrangements, the Annual Sports were held on the Oval, and were entirely confined to the Members, the expenses being defrayed by the Club. The following gentlemen gave special prizes:-
Messrs. J. Gardiner M.L.A., V. Robertson, Councillor Ievers, T. H. Chuck, East Melbourne Cricket Club and others. Two medals, from an unknown donor, came to hand too late to be competed for, but the Committee suggest that these be held over until the next Sport's Meeting, and then be run for as requested.
Messrs. John Rickards and C. Donovan were the most successful competitors during the meeting.

The Annual Ball and Concert again resulted in a loss, and it might be a question with the incoming Committee as to whether the Concert should not for the future be abolished, and a Ball only held.

Following the long established rule of the Club, the illuminated addresses for old players of the First Twenty this year fall to Messrs. E. Barrass and Alex. Ford; while the Second Twenty medals go to J. Leach and N. Samuels.

The experiment of having a paid Assistant Secretary, and also an office in town, proved of such service to the members generally, that the committee recommend a continuance of the same to their successors.
The committee also recommend the appointment of a Finance Committee, to confer with the Hon. Treasurer in all the financial affairs of the Club.

Complaints from time to time came before the committee as to the infrequency of matches played on the Oval but this is quite unaviodable, as in arranging matches. Clubs with paying grounds have a great objection to play frequently where admission cannot be charged. The best that could possibly be done, under the circumstances, to popularise the Oval for the ensuing Season, has been done by your Secretary. A goodly list of Matches has been arranged, there being four with Melbourne, and three each with Geelong and South Melbourne, and the Committee trust that the players will at once buckle to and get into form, with a firm determination to uphold the prestige of the old Club.

The Committee consider the thanks of the Club are due to Mr. Bygate for, on many occasions, placing sheep on the Oval, and thereby rendering the ground more suitable to play on.

In conclusion, the Committee trust that Season 1882 may be even a (more)? successful one than its predecessor.
B. HEARNE, Hon. Sec.

The Analysis for the Season showed that 22 Matches had been played, viz., Melbourne 4; Geelong 2; South Melbourne 2; Hotham 2, Adelaide 4; East Melbourne 2; and Essendon, Benalla, Maryborough, Ballarat, Star of Carlton (23) and Northcote, one each, the total being 22 Matches played, 18 won, 3 lost, 3 drawn;
107 goals won and 33 goals lost.

The successful kickers were Brooks, 20; Coulthard, 18; Goer, 9; Wilson, 9; John Rickards, 7; Conway, 7; Bailey, 6; Donovan, 6; O'Neill, 5; Jas. Rickards, 4; O'Donnell, 4; McIntosh, 4; Woodburn, 2; Newing, 2; Nudd, E. Coventry, Spear, and Smith, 1 each.

The Second Twenty, 12 Matches as follows:- Melbourne, 2; South Melbourne, 2; East Melbourne, Victory, Southern, Colac, Essendon, West Melbourne, Vaucluse, and East Brunswick, 1 each, the totals being 12 Matches, 3 won, none lost, 3 drawn. 33 goals won, 10 goals lost.
The following failed to put in an appearance, as arranged:- Hotham 2, Southern, South Melbourne, Hawthorn, Victory.
The goal-kickers were – Woodburn, 9; Page, 8; Goding, 6; Anderson, 3; Doran, 3; Muir, 2; Slattery, 2; McKay, 2;
Robertson, Leach, Walls, Turnbull, W. Muir, Woods, Donovan, Samuels, and Henry, 1 each.

Balance-Sheet, - Season 1881.

Receipts:- Cash in hand from last Season £8 5s 3d; Donations from 20 Members, £23 18s; entrance fees from 52 new members, at 5s., £13; subscriptions from 240 members at 5s., £60; subscriptions from 3 country members, at 2s 6d; 7s 6d. Total £ 97 5s 6d.
Match account – net proceeds-
May 28 South Melbourne, £50 11s 8d
June 04 Melbourne, £73 12s 2d.
July 09 Hotham, £17 6s 8d.
July 16 South Melbourne, £41 9s 9d.
July 23 Melbourne, £61 6s 4d.
July 30 Geelong £84 0s 10d.
September 24 Geelong £25 2s 10d.
Total £353 10s 3d.
Eleventh annual concert and ball (gross proceeds), £27 17s 6d.; ninth annual athletic sports £5 16s 6d.; Victorian Railways – sale of tickets for special train to Geelong £22 10s; sale of photographs 5s; Refund – Benalla - Colac matches, £6 17s; Maryborough match, £4 4s 8d.; Adelaide matches, £99 10s; Total £110 11s 8d. Grand Total, £ 626 1s 8d.

Expenditure – Eleventh annual concert and ball (gross expenses) £44 7s 8d.; ninth annual athletic sports,
£43 15s; Princes Park playground – caretaker and property master, £26; general expenditure, £38 4s;
Total, £64 4s; Victorian Football Association - fees and medallions £4 4s; five percent net proceeds money matches for charitable purpose £17 12s 3d.; levy on Club, £7; Total £25(?) Adelaide trip and contingent (?) expenses £129 17s 3d. Victorian Railways guarantee for special train to Geelong £22 10s Players fund – Medical attendance £9 12s, Loan to member £5; total, £14 12s, Entertainment account, £29 6s6d. Photographs of Adelaide team for sale, £2 12s,; South Melbourne match, 16th July, 1881 (refund), £1 15s.;
Club's general expenditure – Testmonial fund, £20 12s.: country matches, £96 3s.: rent of office, £6 5s.: assisant secretary, £25.: printing and general stationary, including Membership Tickets and Annual Report
£31 2s 6d.: general expenditure £40 5s 7d.: total, £219 8s 1d.: balance at bank, £25 7s 11d.:
grand total, £626 4s 3d.

Audited and correct. W. E. Wood, and H. S. Cole, auditors. M. B. Hearne Hon. Treasurer 21st March 1882.

Mr. Richardson wished to get some information relative to the item of £7. levied on the Club by the Victorian Football Association
He understood that it was spent on champagne and cigars, and that the Association was in a state of
insolvency. There were several country clubs that did not pay the levy, that sent delegates, and had a say in the alteration or formation of rules.

The secretary (Mr. Hearne) explained that the only source of revenue the Association has was from the clubs. It has incurred liabilities in the ordinary way, and they had to be liquidated. In the instant referred to, the levy amounted to £3 10s. For each delegate, and the Carlton Football Club was represented by two. Referring to the statement of country clubs not paying their levies, when their delegates came to the meeting, subsequently they were not allowed to take part in it, until the levy was paid. He (Mr. Hearne) was not a delegate when the liability was incurred, but had been appointed when the levy was made.

Mr.Davis asked for an explanation of the monies received at the Adelaide matches. The secretary said that the Club had nothing to do with the receipts. Messrs. Donovan and Diamond had all the arrangements in their hands, and refunded the expenses of the team to the club.
Mr. Gardiner wished to know what charity had benefited by the amount which was handed over to the Victorian Football Association.
The secretary explained that the money had been given to the Lying-in Hospital, of which Mr. George Robertson has been made a life governor.
The chairman here referred to the remarks of Mr. Richardson re the Victorian Football Association, and said that every year the Association starts without funds and have to rely on the clubs for support. It is impossible that its decisions could give satisfaction to every body. The Association has proved itself most useful as a court of appeal, to which disputes are referred, and dealt with. The various clubs could not agree on the formation of an Intercolonial team, but the Association relieved them of the difficulty, and picked a team that did good service.
The rules of the Association prevent any accmulation of funds, as any surplus at the end of the season has to be divided pro rata amongst the different clubs that subscribe.
The chairman moved, and Mr. O'Hanlon seconded, that the Report and Balance Sheet be received and adopted. Carried.

Election of Officers

Patrons: Messrs. J. Gardiner M. L. A., J. Latham, J. Pigdon, and J. Bell, were re-elected on the motion of Mr. V. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Elms.
President: Mr. R. Robertson was unanimously re-elected on the motion of Mr. J. Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Kennedy.
Mr. Robertson thanked the members for the confidence reposed in him, and said that on looking around him, it was quite evident a new generation was fast taking the place of the old members. He referred to the past successes of the club, and cautioned the members not to allow a spirit of discord to enter amongst them, for without unanimity of feeling, they would soon deteriorate. By united action and good fellowship in the future as in the past, the Carlton Football Club would continue to maintain its foremost position.

Vice-President: It was resolved that the number of Vice-Presidents be increased to five. Six nominations were lodged, and on a ballot being taken, Messrs. Bygate, J. A. Donovan, Gillespie, T. P. Power, and V. Robertson were duly elected.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Mr. M. B. Hearne was unanimously re-elected to the combined office.
First Twenty – Captain, Mr. W. Goer, Vice-Captain, Mr. George Coulthard.
Second Twenty – Captain, Mr. F. Spear, Vice-Captain, J. R. Terry.
Second Twenty – Hon. Secretary, W. Donaldson.
General Committee of Management: There were twenty-two nominations, from which the following were elected by ballot: - Messrs. E. Brooks, F. Conway. J. Gardiner, A. McHarg, B. Murphy, George Robertson,
George Smith, Turnbull, and H. Wilson.

New Members

Sixty five new members were proposed and accepted in the club.


Messrs. E. Barrass and A. Ford were each presented with illuminated addresses, expressive of the esteem in which the recipients were held by the members of the Club. Mr. Gardiner M. L. A. in presenting the address to Mr. Barrass, complimented him upon his past connection with the Club, and referred to the pleasure it gave to all lovers of the game to see the services of a good player recognised. He hoped the recipient would live long to enjoy it. (Cheers)
Mr. Barrass in reply, said he was much gratified at receiving such a splendid memento of his connection with the Club. The Chairman made the presentation to Mr. Ford, and said that it afforded him much pleasure to bear testimony to the estimable qualities shown by the recipient in the football field. Mr. Ford was not only a good player, but was always amenable to discipline, and could be confidently depended upon wherever he was placed. If every man in the team were possessed of the same spirit, no team in the colonies could compete with them. (Cheers)
Mr. Ford returned thanks in a few words and intimated that he was always ready to do his best for the club when required.

Messrs. W. Samuels and J. Leach member of the Second Twenty were each presented with a gold locket. Mr. Gardiner made the presentation to Mr. Samuels, who suitably replied, and the Chairman in presenting the trophy to Mr. Leach took occasion to remark that the members of the Second Twenty had shown such good form in the field during the last couple of years, which proved them to be the best junior team in the metropolitan district. He considered that it would be a wise plan to draw their recruits for the First Twenty
from the ranks of the Junior Club when required.
Mr. Leach suitably acknowledged the receipt of the locket.
Mr. V. Robertson presented Mr. A. Coventry with a gold medal, donated by Mr. John Gardiner M.L.A., won at the annual sports.

Match Committee.

Mr. E. Brooks proposed “that the new committee be instructed to form a Match Committee from the General Committee to choose the members of the playing team.”
Seconded by Mr. T. S. Marshall.
The mover said he attributed the defeat of the Carlton Team by the Geelong, and the close match between the local team and the Melbourne and South Melbourne, was due to the fact that the players were changed too often. The other clubs played the same men all through, and the result was better and more reliable play.

Mr. Goldstein favored the resolution and considered the old players were placed at a disadvantage by having to play with the new players, whom they could not depend upon.

Mr. Gardiner did not think that any alteration on the old system was necessary. He felt sure when the new committee got into working order, they should give satifaction.

The Chairman maintained that under the old rules, the club had done well. The defeat Geelong done by could not be put down to the acts of the committee, but the Geelong team won on its merits.
In the past, the Carlton Club always held a front position, and he hoped the future would show as brilliant a record.

Messrs. Newing, O'Hanlon, and V. Robertson also spoke against the motion, which on being put to the meeting was carried.

A vote of thanks to the retiring officers, and the chairman were carried unanimously, and the meeting closed .

Reproduction from the Carlton Advertiser, April 08 1882, courtesy of the State Library of Victoria.

The Australian currency was decimalised on 14 February 1966. Prior to decimalisation, currency was in the form of pounds, shillings and pence. One pound was equal to 20 shillings, one shilling was equal to 12 pence, and so one pound was equal to 240 pence. Also, one guinea was equivalent to 21 shillings. (Google)

£1 was divided into two dollars, 1 shilling (s) became 10 cents, and a penny (d) was worth approximately one cent.
So an amount such as £1 1s. 1d. became $2.11

Blueseum March 2023.