

Victorian Football Association
Career: 1881

R. Crawford was in the first Carlton side to visit Adelaide.

R.Crawford was mentioned as giving great service in 1881.

(The Carlton Story, H.Buggy and H.Bell p50,51)

Relation of H. F. Crawford or the same player?

1884 June 4 Wednesday
Reported in the Sportsman that Crawford is leaving the Blues and heading for Adelaide on Friday 13.
"This is much to be regretted, as when in form he is one of the best back players in the colony, and withal a jolly good fellow, who will be much missed by his many associates."

Blueseum: Pre VFL Players
Contributors to this page: blueycarlton .
Page last modified on Sunday 10 of February, 2013 15:36:44 AEDT by blueycarlton.