
1959 Reserves

Reserves Season 1959
Coach: TBD
Captain: TBD
Best & Fairest: Jack Sullivan
Position: 7th
Premier: Hawthorn

Reserve matches are now played as the Curtain Raiser to the senior matches.

Final Lists

Seniors Old

W. Arch, W. Armstrong, P. Barry, D. Beasy, J. Benetti, L. Brereton, B. Buckley, G. Burke, J. Chick, K. Clarke, B. Comben, L. Cottrell, B. Cox, R. Crowe, G. Donaldson, G. Ferry, V. Garra, G. Gilchrist, Mick Goyne, D. Hall, J. Heathcote, G. Huxtable, J. James, L. Kerr, D. Nicholls, J. Nicholls, R. Ousley, C. Pavlou, D. Rainsford, S. Silvagni, J. Stephenson, D. Strauch, J. Sullivan, P. Webster, A. White, D. Zeunert.

New Players

Colin Davison (Morwell), R. Hay (Longford Tas.), L. Lane (Kerang), Ken May (Won Wron), John O'Keefe (Mildura Imperials), Barry Smith (Tatura), Bruce Williams (Morwell), John Williams (Thirds).

On List When Available

D. Conduit (Lakes Enterance), G. Hams (Korumburra)

To Be Considered When Available

Barry Bryant (Walwa), F. Hodgkin (Myrtleford), W. O'Kane (Myrtleford), B. Robbins (Rutherglen)


John Best (Bayswater), Curtis Clark (Thirds), B. Colbert (Seconds), John Deftereos (Thirds), R. Kilpatrick (Fern Tree Gully), Wes Lofts (Thirds), Max Miers (on list last year), R. Morris (Batman), Maurie Sankey (Latrobe Tas.), A. Zarucky (Thirds).

Off List

Graham McColl (Retired due to knee injury), Max Miers (Supplementary), Ron O'Dwyer (Collingwood), Maurie Pope (West Adelaide), M. Rogers, Kevin Ryan (Hamilton)

Round 1: April 18
Carlton played Essendon
Carlton team;
Backs; Zarucky, Hall, Cottrell
Half backs; Stephenson, Garra, Goyne
Centres; W. Armstrong, O'Keefe, Sullivan
Half forwards; B. Armstrong, Barry, Defterous
Forwards; Sankey, May, B. Smith
Followers; Rainsford, Hams
Rover; Pavlou
Reserves; Miers, Clark
Emerg; Lofts; Best; Heatley, Kilpatrick

Carlton 15.12.102
Essendon 8.15.63

Result: Won by 39 points.

Goals; Maurie Sankey 3, Ken May 3, Chris Pavlou 3, (rest unknown)
Best; Chris Pavlou, Maurie Sankey, John O'Keefe, Stephenson.

Round 2: May 04
Carlton played Footscray
Carlton team;
Backs; Jack Sullivan, Don Hall, Len Cottrell
Half backs; John O'Keefe, Vic Garra, Denis Strauch
Centres; John Deftereos, Berkley Cox, Bill Arch
Half forwards; Allan White, John Williams, Colin Davison
Forwards; Maurie Sankey, Ken May, Barry Smith
Followers; Don Rainsford, Max Miers
Rover; Chris Pavlou
Reserves; Curtis Clark, Zarucky
Emergencies; Wes Lofts, Garry Job, Mal Heatley, John Best

Carlton 14.10.94
Footscray 8.14.62

Result: Won by 32 points.

Goals; Chris Pavlou 3, Barry Smith 3 unknown

Best; Chris Pavlou, Jack Sullivan, Vic Garra

Round 3: May 09
Carlton played Collingwood
Carlton team;
Backs; Jack Sullivan, Don Hall, Brian Buckley
Half backs; Len Cottrell, Stephenson, Mick Goyne
Centres; Bill Armstrong, John O'Keefe, Bill Arch
Half forwards; John Benetti, John Williams, Berkley Cox*
Forwards; Maurie Sankey, Ken May, Barry Smith
Rucks; Don Rainsford, Max Miers
Rover; Chris Pavlou
19. Denis Strauch, 20. John Deftereos
Emergencies; John Best, Garry Job, Zarucky, Curtis Clark, Wes Lofts, Mal Heatley.
.* Berkley Cox was elevated to a reserve for the seniors as John Chick withdrew with influenza.

Carlton 2.8.20
Collingwood 7.13.55

Result: Lost by 35 points.

Goals; unknown

Best; John Williams, Bill Arch, Don Rainsford

May 16
Carlton played Richmond
Carlton lost by 42 points
Carlton 7.27.69 - 16.15.111
Goal kickers; Strauch 2, Benetti 2, unknown
Best; White; Benetti; Pavlou

June 15 Monday
Carlton played Geelong at Kardinia Park
Carlton lost by 45 points
Carlton 10.15.75 - 17.18.120
Goals; White 6, D. Nicholls 2, unknown
Best; White, Pavlou, D. Nicholls.

Round 10: July 04
Carlton played Fitzroy
Carlton team;
Backs; Jack Sullivan, Don Hall, Max Miers
Half backs; Garry Job, Stephenson, John Williams
Centres; Bill Arch, John O'Keefe, Bill Armstrong
Half forwards; John Deftereos, Wes Lofts, John Benetti
Forwards; Maurie Sankey, Denis Strauch, Barry Smith
Followers; Don Rainsford, Kevin Clarke
Rover; Bruce Williams
19. Curtis Clark, 20. Len Nigro
Emergencies; John Best, Wheatley, Zarckey, J. Nickleson, Kiely.

Carlton 4.10.34
Fitzroy 13.16.94

Result: Lost by 60 points.

Goals; unknown

Best; Jack Sullivan, Bill Arch, Bill Armstrong

Blue-to-be Bruce McMaster-Smith played for Fitzroy Reserves.

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Contributors to this page: blueycarlton , Bombasheldon and molsey .
Page last modified on Friday 14 of February, 2025 17:17:32 AEDT by blueycarlton.