
2015 Records

Records Created / Broken in 2015
OpponentRecord Fixture Record Previous Record
N/A Premiership Droughts N/A - Season 20 Seasons Equals our second worst drought (post VFL era) (by seasons)
St Kilda Game Milestone Round 4 First Overseas Game for Points N/A
N/A Coach Milestone Round 4 Mick Malthouse equalled, and later broke (by 4 more games), Jock McHale's games record of 714 games 718*
N/A Most Goals in #41 Levi Casboult TBD Beat Peter Brown's 38 goals
All Opponents Greatest Losing Margin Round 17 Hawks defeated Carlton by 138 points N/A
GWS Giants Losing streaks Round 22 Extend record losing streak to 3 2

Book of Records | Season 2015
Contributors to this page: molsey .
Page last modified on Monday 13 of June, 2016 07:46:43 AEST by molsey.