
Browsing Gallery: Season 1982

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Pictures from the 1982 Season
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1982 - Big V's Jimmy Buckley.
(763x1463) [611 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue Warren Ralph on target for a century.
(1558x2048) [627 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue Peter Sartori article.
(1904x2048) [725 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Rhett Baynes in action.
(542x966) [627 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue Rhett Baynes article.
(1776x2048) [619 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue Warren Ralph article.
(1526x2048) [575 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue Peter Kenny in line for a WA Rep. jumper.
(750x970) [630 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Jon Dorotich snippet.
(1776x2048) [640 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Brad Shine in action.
(750x1194) [639 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Brad Shine article.
(750x852) [631 Hits]

1982 - Carlton's WA Recruits; Allan Montgomery & Ross Ditchburn.
(1024x679) [607 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Perth's Allan Montgomery.
(296x400) [648 Hits]

1982 Rd 10 - Perovic kicks long as he is tackled by Smith.
(750x1134) [604 Hits]

1982 - VFA Rep., former Blue Mark McQuinn.
(227x363) [1318 Hits]

1982 - VFA Rep., former Blue Gino Bianco.
(225x62) [905 Hits]

1982 - Allan Montgomery.
(746x748) [681 Hits]

1982 Rd 11 - Warren Jones competes with Gary Dempsey.
(526x634) [774 Hits]

1982 - Mike Fitzpatrick.
(750x950) [714 Hits]

1982 - Carlton Team Photo.
(1157x856) [902 Hits]

1982 - VAFA vs VFA; Future Blue Rohan Brown.
(494x767) [720 Hits]

1982 - Future Blues; Swan District's Peter Sartori & Mike Smith.
(541x869) [715 Hits]

1982 Rd 20 – Bartlett swamped by Buckley, McConville & Southby.
(750x596) [711 Hits]

1982 - VFA vs VAFA Rep. Game; Future Blue Rohan Brown.
(547x773) [758 Hits]

1982 Rd 14 - Wayne Harmes & Brendan Hartney.
(449x577) [756 Hits]

1982 - SA Team of the Year; future Blues Bradley & Kernahan.
(749x623) [773 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Warren Ralph.
(270x348) [711 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Wayne Blackwell.
(264x345) [713 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Michael Aitken.
(256x362) [700 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Michael Aitken.
(806x476) [682 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Warren Ralph cartoon.
(804x556) [757 Hits]

1982 - Swans draft future Blue Peter Motley,
(745x1203) [623 Hits]

1982 - Big M Little League.
(1605x1993) [778 Hits]

1982 - Rod Austin on World of Sport.
(260x215) [786 Hits]

1982 - VAFA Rep. and Future Blue Rohan Brown.
(750x906) [689 Hits]

1982 Rd 13 - Pie stand on fire.
(571x756) [732 Hits]

1982 - An injured Rod Ashman is carried from the ground.
(749x445) [728 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Stephen Kernahan.
(720x960) [653 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Sandhurst's Gavin Exell.
(640x960) [1603 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton Cheer Squad.
(2048x1290) [730 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton Cheer Squad.
(2048x1297) [737 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton Cheer Squad.
(2048x1306) [702 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton Cheer Squad.
(2048x1297) [712 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton Cheer Squad.
(2048x1295) [686 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton Cheer Squad.
(2048x1302) [744 Hits]

1982 Rd 19 - Carlton vs Sydney Banner.
(2048x1263) [782 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Wayne Blackwell.
(1030x1022) [750 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Claremont's Warren Ralph takes a screamer.
(287x400) [715 Hits]

1982 Rd 12 - Mike Fitzpatrick shoots for goal.
(1080x645) [677 Hits]

1982 Rd 9 - Warren Jones in a ruck duel.
(713x547) [728 Hits]

1982 Rd 9 - Scott Howell & Frank Marchesani.
(828x576) [659 Hits]

1982 - Commonwealth Games Match; Carlton vs Richmond.
(748x531) [1046 Hits]

1982 Rd 20 - Jimmy Buckley, McConville & Southby put Bartlett under the pump.
(750x596) [969 Hits]

1982 - Carlton Draftee; Glenelg's Chris Veide Reserves Premiership (2nd back row, 6th from the left).
(800x583) [1174 Hits]

1982 - Celebrity Supporters; Tony Barber Carlton.
(648x470) [1255 Hits]

1982 Qual. Final - Phil Maylin.
(304x553) [1047 Hits]

1982 - Future Blue; Sturt's Peter Motley.
(231x300) [1018 Hits]

1982 - Carlton Draftee; Woodville's Jon Simpson.
(235x304) [1415 Hits]

1982 Rd 1 - Allan Montgomery after goaling.
(636x591) [1016 Hits]

1982 Rd 1 - Greg Wells on the burst.
(885x583) [932 Hits]

1982 Rd 1 - Peter Bosustow lining up for goal.
(878x589) [902 Hits]

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