Carlton Captain. Harry Chadwick / Theophilis S. Marshall
President. Jas. Linacre, or George Coppin. (See March 13)
Secretary. B. James.
Carlton played 5 games. Won 1 Lost 1 Drew 3.
Home ground. Royal Park.
Photo right: Carlton co-Captain, Theophilis S. Marshall (circa 1920's)
Carlton's nickname, The Bulldogs (?); see August 4
Clubs competing for the Challenge Cup: Carlton, Melbourne, Geelong, Royal Park, South Yarra and University.
(Royal Park were thought to be defunct until September 8 when they surfaced and made an audacious attempt at the Challenge Cup.)
Athletic Sports Committee decreed that the Cup competition should be played under the Victorian rules of football.
It ruled that the season should be from May 15th. until September 15th.
Matches not finished on the day they were begun, (neither side scored 2 goals) were declared to been drawn.
20 men aside, but with no fewer than 16.
Orange and Blue could have been Tom Power. Trove; Bells Life March 03 p4
March 13
A general meeting of the Carlton football club was held last evening (Tuesday 13) at the (Polmer's) Carlton Club Hotel, for the purpose of electing office bearers.
The following office bearers were elected;
President, Mr. George Coppin.
Vice president, Mr. John Walls.
Secretary and treasurer, Mr. B. James.
Committee; Messrs. Chadwick, Gorman, McFarland, Power, Byrne, McHarg, Bowen, and Adamson.
(The Argus March 14 1866 p5)
The Australasian March 24 p5, report of the AGM said; "It was arranged to have a uniform cap, the colours to be white and blue."
The blue and white cap was also reported in Bell's Life and The Herald.
This Argus report conflicts with the official records in that George Coppin is named as President, not Jas. Linacre. The Australasian's report also says President is G. Coppin.
Bell's Life (March 17) and The Herald (March 16) also mentions George Coppin was elected as president.
March 17
Practice was held in Princess (Princes) Park.

Trove; Bell's Life April 14 1866
April 14
Practice in Princes Park
May 03
Carlton Football Club - General Meeting at Polmer's Carlton Club Hotel 7.30 This Evening. B. James, Hon Sec.
(The Argus Thursday May 3 1866 p8)
At this meeting a proposal for players to wear a cap of blue and white* was raised.
This proposal was shelved for the time being.
-* The book the Centenary Souvenir of the Carlton Football Club pub. 1934 (p5) mentions under the year 1866,
"The orange cap, the sole insignia of a Carlton player, had been supplanted by the blue and white colours, which are now indicative of Carlton."
However, at next years' AGM 1867 the colours are said to be orange and blue.
May 05
Practice match at Princes Park, President vs Vice President's teams.
Match to commence at 2.30pm
Carlton President George Coppin kicked off proceedings.
President's team; (27 named)
Dave Adamson, Bannon, Bowen, Byrne, Cannon, J. Clark, W. Finlay, Fitzgerald, Foote, Tom Gorman, W. Gorman, Harris, Frank Hillsden (Capt), Horan, Hyneland, Ick, McCarthy, McCracken, McHarg, Palmer, O. Parnham, W. Phillips, H. Phillips, O'Brien, Richardson, B. Robinson/Robertson, W. Williams.
Vice President's team; (26 named)
H. Adamson, Armytage, Bannister, Barfoot, H. Chadwick (Capt), J. E. Clark, Crosbie, Duncan, Eggleston, Fletcher, Forster, Forrester, Guy, James, Jones, Locke, Lucas, Madden, Marshall, McFarland/McFarlane, W. Parnham, Power, J. Robertson, G. Robertson, Sharp, J. Williams,
Vice President's team won 2-0.
Goals; J. E. Clarke 2.
Better players; Hillsden, Guy, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, McFarland, O'Brien, Barfoot, Locke, J. E. Clarke.
May 12
Practice match again between President and Vice President teams at Princes Park at 2.30pm.
"The Carlton Football Club continued the president v vice-president match, commenced on the 5th inst., last Saturday in the Victoria-park, and it resulted in two goals being kicked by Messrs. Adamson and McCarthy, for the former." (Age May 14 1866 p5)
The President's team scored 2 goals by D. Adamson and McCarthy.
May 12
http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article199059375May 19
Practice matches
May 24 Thursday Queen's Birthday Holiday
"The members of the Carlton football club will play a match in the Prince's-park, the kick-off to take place at half past three pm." (Age p5)
May 26
Practice matches
June 02
Practice match at Princes Park at 2.30pm.
To select a team to play for the Challenge Cup.
June 02
Bells Life (p2)http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article199059376
June 02
Bell's Life reports that a football club has been started in Brisbane.
June 09
Challenge Cup game, Carlton players met at the Town Hall at 1.30pm, prior to proceeding to South Yarra.
The game commenced around 2pm. and continued without a break until dusk.
"The gentlemen" of South Yarra won the toss and kicked the wind, which gave them a great advantage.
Carlton, in it's first game on June 9, fought out a scoreless draw with South Yarra - a game reported in one newspaper in the typical snobbishness of the day as being between a team of "lilywhites" from an aristocratic suburb and "the wild men" of Carlton. The report went on:
"Whether the Carlton men deserve it or not, they have a reputation for playing a very rough game and not being particularly observant of the rules.
Many persons prophesied that the afternoon would not pass without a barney, or something worse, and they were not far wrong.
The game was stopped for 20 minutes through a misunderstanding which occurred between the South Yarra captain and one of the Gormans."
Both Gormans were mentioned, the younger Gorman was said to be a cricketer.
Umpire; A. McHarg
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
D. Adamson, Armytage, Barfoot, J. Byrne, Chadwick (Capt.) J. Clark/e, J. E. Clarke, Duncan, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, Horan, James, Marshall, McFarland, McCarthy, O'Brien, Power, and Richardson.
Emergencies; H. Adamson, C. Forrester, W. Phillips.
The Australasian June 09, had H. W. Gorman as the only player named Gorman in the team.
Match drawn 0-0
Best; W. Gorman, T. Gorman, Hillsden, Guy, Marshall, J. Clarke, Bryne , Richardson, J. Clark, James, O'Brien.
June 16
The Australasian (p9) answering a question from "Drop Kick";
"There have been eleven Cup matches:- 1865 - Melbourne v Geelong, won by Melbourne; Melbourne v South Yarra, drawn; Melbourne v Royal Park, drawn; Melbourne v South Yarra, drawn; Melbourne v University, won by University; South Yarra v University, won by South Yarra; South Yarra v Royal Park, drawn; South Yarra v Carlton, won by South Yarra; South Yarra v Melbourne, won by Melbourne.
1866:- Melbourne v South Yarra, won by South Yarra, South Yarra v Carlton drawn.
June 16
Carlton played Emerald Hill at St. Vincents Reserve, Emerald Hill.
The Age said;
"Although Carlton seemed to have the best of the game throughout, neither team succeeded in kicking a goal."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
D. Adamson, Armytage, Barfoot, Chadwick, J. Clarke, J. E. Clarke, Duncan, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, Horan, James, Marshall, McCarthy, McFarland/McFarlane, O'Brien, W. Phillips, Power, and Richardson.
Emergencies; C. Forrester, McHarg, H. Adamson.
The Age had Emergencies, Bannister, Fitzgerald, B. Robertson.
Match drawn; 0-0
Best players; Guy, Hillsden, Barfoot
June 23
Carlton played Williamstown at Williamstown.
No details (see July 02)
June 30
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
The Age;
"Though the metropolitan club succeeded in getting a goal and their opponents did not, there is no doubt that the victory should have rested with the latter. Carlton had all the weight, and amongst it's members may be reckoned some capital kickers."
Field umpire used for the first time*, in addition to the goal umpires.
Prior to this the rival captains decided on free kicks and marks.
-* It would not be until 1872 that a field umpire would adjudicate at all matches. Andy McHarg was named as umpire on June 09 v South Yarra.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Adamson, Armytage, Barfoot, Byrne, Chadwick, J. Clarke or Clark, J. E. Clarke, Duncan, Forrester, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, James, Marshall (Capt.), McCarthy, McFarlane, O'Brien, W. Phillips, and Richardson.
Emergencies; H. Adamson, Story, J. Williams.
The Australasian (June 30 p12) listed the same team but has Chadwick named as captain and The Argus named H. Adamson (emerg) and Chadwick as captain.
Match drawn; Carlton 0 Melbourne 1
Best; Hillsden, Guy, W. Gorman, Marshall.
July 02 Monday, Separation Day Holiday
Carlton played Williamstown at Williamstown.
The team met at Spencer Street station at 1.30pm.
It was a well contested game with Williamstown playing well.
Carlton managed one goal from a scrimmage, no other scores mentioned.
One Williamstown player broke his leg and was attended to by a doctor, the game was then called off.
The Australasian July 07 said; " A match was commenced last Monday, between these clubs, but owing to an accident which befell Mr. Riggall, who was playing for Carlton it was undecided. That gentleman, when running, came in contact with the fence which surrounds the ground just below the knee." (A player named Riggall usually played for Melbourne)
Many years later in 1893 this incident is recalled in Punch (July 13);
"Riggall's was particularly hard luck, as he went down to Williamstown with Carlton to play for them, but the seasiders being short, played for Williamstown instead, and after receiving a spill from Frank Hillsden, fell with his leg under the rail of a fence, and in jumping up quickly sustained a compound fracture."
Carlton team; (25 named)
Adamson, H. Adamson, Armytage, Barry, Barfoot, Byrne, Chadwick, J. Clark, J. E. Clarke, Duncan, Forrester, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Frank Hillsden, Horan, James, Marshall, McCarthy, McFarland, O'Brien, W. Phillips, Power, Richardson, Story
Match terminated. Carlton; 1- 0
Goal; J. Williams.
July 07
Natives against the World match on the Melbourne Football Ground in Richmond Paddock.
The Age says that of the 56 members of the Melbourne Club, 28 are born overseas.
An Australian born team took on a World team.
The Australians wore a blue ribbon and were captained by H. C. A. Harrison and World by Marshall.
Possible Carlton names;
Natives; J. Conway, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, G. Waugh.
World; Byrne, Guy, Horan, Marshall, Hillsden.
Match drawn
World; 1-0
Carlton Second Twenty played East Collingwood at Princes Park.
This game began at 2pm and ended at 4.30pm.
The ground was very muddy.
The Carlton Reserves team was selected from; (24 named)
H. Adamson, Bowen (Capt.), H. Barry, J. Barry, Bannister, Bannon, Crosbie, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Forrester, Hyland, Ick, James, Jones, Lucas, Lockston, McHarg, D. Parnham, Reilly, Robertson, B. Robertson, G. Robertson, J. Sharpe, Story.
Match drawn; 0 - 0
July 13 Friday
The Launceston Football Club formed, and the first practice will be tomorrow.
July 14
Carlton held a practice match in Princes Park.
Carlton players H. Conway, H. Gorman, T. Gorman and Guy played for Melbourne v South Yarra at South Yarra.
July 21
Carlton Played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground, Richmond Reserve.
The Blues were captained by Marshall. Melbourne captained by Harrison.
Marshall won the toss and elected to defend the western goal.
Kickoff at 2pm.
The game was concluded quickly, and a scratch match was then held.
The Age;
"Although vanquished, the Carlton men played a bold and plucky game, and many attribute their defeat more to the luck which waited on their opponents, than to their own demerits."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
D. Adamson, H. Adamson, Armytage, Barfoot, Byrne, Chadwick, Duncan, Forrester, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, James, Marshall (Capt.), McFarland, McCarthy, O'Brien, Power, Richardson, and Story.
Emergencies; J. Clark/e, H. Barry, J. Barry, Horan.
Carlton lost; 0 - 2
July 28
Carlton held a practice match in Princes Park, in preparation for the match against South Yarra.
July 28
A letter to the Editor of The Australasian (p11) mentioned ways of improving football, one idea was;"That umpires be instructed to count the number of times the ball is driven behind goal; and in the event of no goal, or one goal by each being obtained, the side obtaining the greater number of "behinds" shall be declared the winners."
It would take another 30 years with the foundation of the VFL in 1897 before behinds would be counted in the score.
August 04
Carlton played South Yarra for the Challenge Cup at Fawkner Park, South Yarra.
The Blues met at the Town Hall Swanston Street at 1.30pm
A large crowd attended.
The game began at 3pm.
Chadwick captained the Carlton team and the game was played in a spirited manner.
Hillsden downed one of the Budds (two players named Budd playing for South Yarra), to bite the dust in a manner as that youth will not forget in a hurry.
Gorman at the head of the "bull-dogs" did terrible execution by their resistless charges.
(Bells Life in Victoria)
The Age;
"The game resulted in a draw, although, after an hour's play, a goal was obtained by Carlton, which was beautifully kicked by W. Gorman. The match, throughout, was one of the finest played this season."
The Blues wasted many chances to score. One place kick 10 yards out straight in front hit a player standing nearby.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Armytage, D. Adamson, Barfoot, Byrne, Chadwick (Capt.), J. Clark(e), J. Conway, H. Conway, Duncan, Forrester, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, Horan, Marshall, McCarthy, O'Brien, Richardson, and Williams.
Emergencies; McFarland, Power.
Umpire; B. James.
Match drawn; 1 - 1
Goal; W. (Willie) Gorman.
Best; J. Conway, W. Gorman, Marshall, Barfoot, Guy, others mentioned - Chadwick, H. Conway, Hillsden,
August 11
Carlton held a practice match in Princes Park at 2pm.
August 11
"The same old tale - there was no football on Saturday , nor do we expect there will be any more this season, which closes in Melbourne on the 15th instant, and we presume it is the same here. The members of the local club have the gratification of knowing that their greatest deed they have performed this season is a drawn match with Ballarat. The treasurer will also be happy to receive all unpaid subscriptions, as the club does not happen too favourable position as far as financial matters are concerned. What a change has taken place! Who would have thought in 1863 or 1864 that the strongest club in the colony would so soon come to grief? Never since Geelong won the silver cup has football prospered. The players seemed to have considered that they have done enough. If such is the case, why do they form a club at all?By far the best plan would be to pay off the liabilities, and then let the club cease to exist. It would be better to have none at all than a bad one. Advertiser (Bells Life p2)
August 18
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground (Richmond Reserve).
A well contested vigorous match, and after 90 minutes the game was decided.
Melbourne played their strongest 20 men and the The Argus reporter said that Carlton would have fared better if the Carlton players had obeyed their captain's instructions more promptly.
Hillsden captained the team.
Carlton team; (23 named)
D. Adamson, H. Adamson, Armytage, Barfoot, Byrne, Chadwick, J. Clark, Duncan, Fitzgerald, Forrester, J. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden (Capt.), Horan, Marshall, McCarthy, McFarland, O'Brien, H. Phillips, Power, Richardson, Williams.
Carlton lost; 0 - 2 (The Age said the result was 0 - 1)
The game was over by 4pm and the clubs then played a scratch match in which Carlton scored a goal.
August 25
no details
J. Conway, G. Waugh, W. Gorman, Gorman, Hillsden, Marshall were named in the Melbourne squad to play South Yarra at South Yarra for the Challenge Cup.
September 01
Carlton played South Yarra at Fawkner Park, South Yarra.
The team met at the Town Hall, Swanston Street at 1.15pm.
These two clubs met again for the Challenge Cup trophy.
At a quarter past two the Carlton team took the field led by Jack Conway.
At half past two Conway started the match by a fine place kick from the centre of the ground.
For Carlton the Gormans, Williams, Guy, Hiladen/Hillsden? and Byrne were especially active, and at half past three the latter, by a fine running kick, succeeded in securing the first goal for his club.
South Yarra replied, and at a quarter to six time was called and the game ended in a draw.
During the game many spectators encroached onto the playing field.
Saturday's Age had Marshall listed a captain.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
D. Adamson, Armytage, Barfoot, Byrne, J. Clark(e), J. Conway (Capt.), H. Conway, Duncan, Forrester, T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, Marshall, McFarland, McCarthy, O'Brien, W. Phillips, Richardson, and Williams.
Emergencies; H. Adamson, Horan, Story.
Umpire; W. Power
Match drawn; 1-1 (South Yarra retained the Cup)
Goal; Byrne.
Best; T. Gorman, W. Gorman, Williams, Guy, Hillsden, Byrne.
September 08
Carlton and Melbourne players took part in a match, Australians vs World in the Richmond Paddock.
Thirty-four players took part.
Play was discontinued after some time due to the heat.
Australians 1 - 0
September 08
The Royal Park club which to many was considered defunct has challenged South Yarra for the Cup
The match will take place this day at South Yarra.
September 28 Friday
Carlton Football Club general meeting at the Rifle Brigade Hotel at 7.30pm.
October 22 Tuesday
"A concert and ball in aid of the funds of this club were held on Tuesday evening in the Orderly-room, Grattan street, and a large number of people attended. The services of well-known vocalists were secured for the occasion by the assistance of whom the concert passed off very successfully. The ball followed, and something like 400 persons took part in the dancing. The proceeds of the evening must have materially reduced the small debt remaining on the pavilion of the club."(Bells Life October 26 p2)
An interesting reference to a pavilion. As the football club was playing in Royal Park, did they have a pavilion of some sort? It would most likely be a pavilion on the cricket club's ground "The Triangle."
December 19 Wednesday
The Argus classified ads.
Missing Friends and Messages.
CARLTON FOOTBALL CLUB - President please
call Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock Hotel,
Elizabeth-street, Melbourne.
Challenge Cup matches for 1866
The first team to score 2 goals won the match.
June 02 Melbourne vs South Yarra. South Yarra won 2-0
June 09 South Yarra vs Carlton. 0-0 Match Drawn.
June 14 South Yarra vs Melbourne. Melbourne 1-0 Match Drawn.
August 04 South Yarra vs Carlton. Carlton 1-0 Match Drawn.
August 25 South Yarra vs Melbourne. 1-1 Match Drawn.
September 01 South Yarra vs Carlton. 1-1 Match Drawn.
September 08 South Yarra vs Royal Park. South Yarra won 2-0.
September 15 South Yarra vs Melbourne. South Yarra won 2-0.
South Yarra retained the Challenge Cup as they had won it three times without defeat.
1866. Premiers. South Yarra, 2. Melbourne, 3. Carlton
The Carlton Story, Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages,10,11,12,13,259.
Mullin's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951 Page 66.
Great Australian Football Stories, Garrie Hutchinson.p 17.
The Argus 1866 editions.
Bell's Life In Victoria.
The Age; 1866 editions
Origins of Australian Football.